
Monday, November 3, 2014

[Cthulhu-a-thon '14] Episode Two: "Digging Up a Dead God" - Achtung Cthulhu

It's been a long-standing tradition among certain of the more august members of the Esoteric Order to do up a big horror gaming extravaganza around Halloween every year. Since time immemorial, this event has been referred to as the "Call-of-Cthulhu-a-thon"...even if no actual CoC is run that day.

Last year, we did one big six-hour scenario. This year we decided to go for the "rock festival" approach and offer several smaller scenarios over the course of a day and let folks filter in and out as the mood struck them.

The second scenario, run by David L. and originally written for Call of Cthulhu, was run using the Achtung Cthulhu rules and features a fun little romp in which all the PCs are Nazis... Enjoy!


David S.


  1. Dave's rolling: Absolutely abysmal, until it comes time to trigger an ancient evil, at which point he becomes nigh-unstoppable. I mean only NIGH unstoppable because eventually the universe corrects itself and he rolls terrible again, but that was an impressive string of failures, followed by successes.

    Also Cthulhu being run with Nazis is the perfect way to get past the inevitable character death in these games. I love scenarios where all of the threats come from the players interacting with each other. It's just like playing Paranoia.

    1. Paranoia: another one on my gaming bucket list. And yeah, this scenario's brilliance lies in the fact that its seeds of horror are almost entirely planted within the PCs.

    2. There are a couple of scenarios I've run that I'd be happy to recommend for your first Paranoia experience. It's definitely not a game for newcomers, since you and your players have to mutually agree on the kind of game you're trying to run. Unless you just murder them all with ceiling lasers.

      There's actually a Kickstarter on right now for launching a new version of the game I'm pretty excited about.

  2. You guys played the nicest Nazi ever. Offering to pay your captured slaves to go down into the mine. My group would have started executing them one by one until they complied.

    1. I have to admit, part of the appeal of this scenario for me was to see how far down the rabbit hole the group was willing to venture in terms of getting into character as Nazis. I was simultaneously saddened and relieved that they didn't start setting dogs on the laborers or something like that.

    2. Hmm, were they actually playing party Nazis or were they just Germans who were affiliated with Nazis because that is who was in power at the time.
      Also just because you belong to a certain organization does not necessarily make you a Genocidal maniac (granted there are good reasons for said assumptions).

    3. No, these were Nazis with a capital "N"--5 out of 6 are officers in the Waffen SS (in 1939, no less). You don't get to that level at that time without espousing some degree of sympathy for the party. And even the regular Army sergeant, though not a card-carrying member, is right in line with the anti-Semitic, "stab in the back" rhetoric of the party.

    4. Very well just had to make sure, I dislike it when people think all the Germans in that era were Nazis when just a relatively small percentage of them were actually Nazis. Yeah the Waffen SS were all Nazis except for a few exceptions I do believe.

    5. Right there with ya--one of my areas of interest/study is Germany from 1918-1945, and that sort of generalizing bugs me too.

    6. Scott is entirely too nice to play a Nazi. He's much better as a spoiled girl-child.


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