
Sunday, April 20, 2014

[Pendragon] The Great Pendragon Campaign: Year 492 - The Trial

The knights are asked to help Merlin once more, but this time suffer grave consequences for their actions.


Dave S.
And…Edie the Dog

The campaign's wiki can be found here.


  1. I apologize to our listeners for the lack of Schadenfreude this year from me. I'll be sure to work doubly hard next time in failing spectacularly.

    1. Perhaps the curse has been lifted, finally? Hah!

      At least we had another player (who shall remain nameless) maintaining the tradition of having at least one PC per session getting straight-up owned by an opponent.

    2. I don't see why you would apologize. Your incredible rolls were STILL spectacular failures, given what side you were working on. You didn't have to try to defend accidentally killing a guy in a court of law, but Kynrain doesn't view his actions in terms of successes or failures, but in straight up murdering everything he swings his sword at.

  2. Yikes, I'm listening back to the recording and there's this weird tip-tapping sound that starts up around the 35-minute mark and goes on for about 20 minutes. Apologies, all!

  3. Addressing your thoughts about this episode, it did feel a little railroady, but I think that's more due to how the trial ended than anything else. Being tacitly implicit in the kidnapping of the royal son seems like there should've been some penance quest or something that the Knights had to do to further prove their fealty, and that they aren't under Merlin's sway anymore.

    Also this was a perfect opportunity to turn on Blains and Silchester since they had even less excuse to not recognize the King's Guard. All this cooperation can't be healthy in the long run.

    1. Yeah, this is probably my least-favorite year in the entirety of the GPC. So, good to get it over with early, I guess? I think there aren't any lasting repercussions (other than the PCs getting branded as "the knights who condemned Merlin") because the circumstances of the treason trial are so railroady that there would be a riot on the players' side if anything bad came of it, you know?

      And yeah, are we seeing a burgeoning reconciliation between Silchester and Salisbury? I kept expecting one side to try and throw the other under the bus, but no such luck! We'll see how things unfold, I guess.

  4. Finally caught up to your most recent podcast! Just wanted to chime in and thank you for these, which are enormous fun.

    The GPC is something I'd like to play through if I ever were to get back to RPG's. But I probably know too much about it from the fora, plus reading The Boy King back when I was playing Pendragon (a bit, and not getting out of it what I and we should). So it's tremendously enjoyable to experience it through all of you.

    This one was particular fun, because I knew in general what was coming up, but what I didn't know was whether joining Sir Brastias in his hunt might be enough to get our heroes off the hook. And then, whether saving his life would be enough... And then, whether truthfulness (plus an Orate roll?) might be enough... So the railroading was at least a great source of suspense for the listener.

    1. Cheers! Glad you're enjoying it. I'm definitely looking forward to opening the narrative up in a few years. :)

  5. so what's the opening music at this point in time anyway? it's right on the edge of my memory

    1. It's "Mars, the Bringer of War" from Horst's _The Planets_.


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