Sunday, April 13, 2014

[Pendragon] The Great Pendragon Campaign: Year 491 - Tintagel

Uther's fragile alliance with Gorlois collapses, and the PCs find themselves witnesses to history in the making.


Dave S.
And…Edie the Dog

The campaign's wiki can be found here.


  1. Having a new episode from you guys takes the sting out of Monday.

    1. I agree, this is one of the things I look forward to at the beginning of the week.

    2. Absolutely. No matter how bad Mondays seem, Dave's characters always seem to have a worse day than me.

      Really takes the edge off.

  2. Excellent session. I need to do more feasts in my game. I'm planning on doing a small-scale battle against the Saxons in 489 as a precursor to the Battle of Lindsey, so I'll probably do a feast after that.

    1. Feasts are great. They're my go-to if the session is running a little too quickly, and are an excellent way to generate all sorts of interpersonal drama that one wouldn't normally come up with.

      Speaking of feasts, Tales of Mystic Tournaments has an excellent one-page feast system that includes a much smaller feast event table as well as a "feast dishes" table--you may have noticed I was using the latter last night. It was the ToMT system that got me (and my players) hooked on running feasts in the first place.

  3. I like Des as Sir Jaradan/Blaines. It seems like a nice role for the adversary to be someone who's theoretically one of the gang of knights, but still has the impulsive nature and enough status to force the group into situations that they might not have been prepared for, or to just be able to make snide comments before leaving them to walk home.

    Also this was a nice change of pace from the last year, and it was nice for Sir Wulfram to get some development. It was a period where he learned all the various ups and downs of love. Sometimes the one you quest after isn't actually worth the journey, sometimes you marry someone without having any inclination to, and sometimes you impulsively seduce your Lord's daughter and can only helplessly watch the train wreck that you know is coming bear down on you.

    1. Thanks, Jake. It took a little bit of time to hit our stride with how I was going to be used as "The Adversary," but I think we are getting it down. It's too much fun to critique the player choices in character!


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