
Sunday, September 8, 2013

[Deadlands Reloaded] Lost In The Maze: Session Twenty - The Riddle of Angels

With the Mexicali chapter finally closed, the posse takes what they can get and heads north to get back on the glyph-marking trail, finding that things are never as simple as they seem.

Kangee Taken-Alive (Des)
Tobias Calvin Funk (Jade)
Victor Tundra (Dave)
Cuad Hoyter Pertullus (Jen)
Jersey Lilly (Renae)
And…Edie the Dog.


  1. Has any ancient and powerful figure that's been bound and buried underground been anything but evil and manipulative? There's no evidence that this wasn't an angel, since maybe angels are horrible reptile monsters but also intelligent enough to try to not look like that, but good call by Victor all the same.

    Also, I agree with everyone that this seems like the least threatening cliffhanger ever. Provided Lilly can fly an airship (or at least keep it from drifting off).

  2. these traps were very familiar, were they standard in the book, or did you glean these from a TMNT sourcebook?

    1. Hee hee, busted! Straight outta TMNT Adventures (with some mods, of course). :D

  3. I'm relieved, it means there wasn't any IP being plagerized. The spikes I was willing to let slide, but when that dragon monument showed up, I knew it couldn't just be a coincidence.

    1. awesome to see them back in play, btw. I missed the game when those were brought out, and was therefore the only survivor.

    2. That's actually the third time I've gone back to that well. I stole the death traps for a pulp game about 12 years ago, then used the adventure as-written for a Ninjas & Superspies campaign about 10 years back. Unfortunately, both resulted in TPKs. Those are some deadly-ass traps! For this time out, I selected the "easiest" ones for adaptation. Didn't want a TPK hat trick.

    3. you picked up the spare in Pendragon


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